Our Story


Did you ever notice how NFT prices drop after the hype of their sale? Have you seen how floor prices plummet during bear markets? The Adanitas did too…

Welcome to the Adanita Wonderland, a vast spellbinding territory hidden in plain sight. Widespread but elusive, the Adanitas are a mystical colony and can be found all around the world, although often mistaken for common toadstools. Make no mistake, the Adanitas are anything but ordinary!

These enchanting creatures possess special powers to protect and nurture the environment they call home. Adanitas have a gift for coordinating with other creatures and plants, working together to bring balance and harmony to their secret surroundings. One of their most impressive abilities is their mastery of magic, a skill these little critters use to create powerful illusions and protective barriers to shield their community from danger.

Now, the magical Adanitas are making their debut on the Cardano blockchain, giving PFP lovers a chance to dive into their vibrant community. But remember that problem with NFT prices? The Adanitas have a clever solution to this problem;
a first on Cardano!

Adanita Floor Price Protection is a feature that ensures a certain minimum price for the Adanita second collection during Phase 2. This means that the price will never fall below that limit. To achieve this, a smart contract is used to purchase the underpriced Adanita second collection from the secondary market. This resets the floor price and reassures the holders of the collection.

Adanitas are emotional creatures. They know the importance of looking after each other and have built a thriving, caring community. The Forest Floor, the most sacred of places in the Adanita Wonderland, serves as the meeting spot for collaboration and engagement. This is where Adanitas gather to share stories and ideas, as well as discuss strategies to further secure the livelihood of their magical world. Together the Adanitas rise above challenges, overcoming their fears, uncertainties and doubts.

With the warmest of hugs, Adanitas embrace new members to their vibrant community. If you’re looking for a place to belong, where you can immerse yourself in the wonders of nature, and absorb the vibes of magical beings, the Forest Floor community is the place for you.

Come and explore the magical world of the Adanita Wonderland, discover its secrets and experience the mystical powers of these truly extraordinary folks.











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What is Adanita Wonderland?

Adanita Wonderland is the home of the Adanitas, mystical mushroom characters with magical powers.

Who are the Adanitas?

Adanitas are magical little creatures, with extraordinary abilities. But don’t take our word for it, read the short stories and see for yourself.

What is the Forest Floor?

The Forest Floor is the sacred meeting place for the Adanita community. Entrance to the Forest Floor Holder’s Club is restricted to holders of Adanita NFTs.

What can I use my Adanita NFT for?

Adanita NFTs can be collected as digital artworks, but they also make for great a PFP. Considering their magical powers,they are bringing a floor protection utility to the CNFT space in Phase 2.

When can I mint an Adanita NFT?

The mint is scheduled for December 22nd, 2023.

How much will an Adanita cost?

The price for a single Adanita NFT will be 54 ADA.

What traits do Adanitas have?

There will be 3,333 Adanita NFTs in total but each Adanita has a unique design. Their compositions are generated from a list of over 180 hand-drawn traits.

Will there be whitelist spots?

Yes! Make sure to follow Adanita Wonderland on X (Twitter) and Discord to enter regular giveaways and participate in other promotions.

What was the OG Pass?

The OG Pass was an incentive (separate from the main collection) that aimed to provide Adanita community members with additional perks and benefits such as minting discounts, exclusive access rights and giveaways. The sale did not meet expectations and all buyers have been fully reimbursed. More details can be found in the relevant whitepaper section.

What is Adanita Floor Protection Insurance? 

Adanita Floor Protection Insurance is a mechanism that removes underpriced Adanita NFTs from the secondary market. In doing so, this safeguards a pre-defined minimal floor price.

How does Adanita Floor Protection Insurance work? 

The threshold price will be set once the main collection sale has concluded and the initial treasury has been established in Phase 2. Underpriced Adanita NFTs will be purchased using Adanita treasury funds. Read the whitepaper section for a more detailed overview of the Floor Protection Insurance.

Where can I learn more about Adanita Wonderland?

Follow us on X (Twitter) and Discord to keep updated with the latest developments. For additional information, we encourage you to take a look at our whitepaper.