The Stories

Pixie and the Cardano Crystal

Many legends exist in the lore of Adanita Wonderland, but few are as foundational as the story of Pixie’s treasure hunt. For it was Pixie who first discovered something so very near and dear to the hearts of the Adanitas…

One morning, little Pixie, with his pale white skin and vibrant red cap, awoke to the whirling whisper of hidden treasure. The message rustled through the leaves above and bounced off the dew on the wet grass below. The birds and the bees flew by unaware, but Pixie could hear its call loud and clear.

The Cardano crystal was beckoning and with each step in the right direction, its resonant melody rang clearer in Pixie’s ears. The legendary crystal was well known to the community and said to be a thing of magic, not real. Intangible.

Undeterred by words, and powered by belief, Pixie ventured forth. His journey brought him from the outer valley, past rushing streams and ancient rocks, towards a thick wall of trees that marked the boundary of a mystical forest.

Along the way, Pixie’s quest brought him into contact with several other Adanita folk, each one distinct in their own unique way. Eventually, the group made their way deep into the forest, following in Pixie’s footsteps, as he alone followed the enchanting sound of the Cardano crystal.

After many days, the travellers arrived at a clearing in the forest. Pixie could sense the presence of treasure and told his friends to search for something special, but to no avail.

Suddenly, a ray of sunlight slipped through between two tall trees and shone brightly on a small stone in the middle of the clearing. Laying delicately on a pedestal of precious gems, glimmered the Cardano crystal in all its glory.

Pixie reached out to pick it up, then froze. He turned to address the group.

“My dear friends, this crystal belongs here, and shall not be moved. Yes, I came for this treasure, but I found something more important along the way: Community.

“This crystal is not magical because it sings its melody, it is magical because it inspires unity in us all despite our unique traits. As long as we have each other, here in this Forest Floor, we are unassailable. Community and collaboration is what will save us from moments of fear, uncertainty and doubt.”

The group rejoiced in Pixie’s moment of enlightenment and remained together from that day onwards. And so the journey of Pixie and his quest for treasure became legend, returning him a value so profound that no crystal could ever match.

Felix and the Magical Whispers

After Pixie’s legendary search for the Cardano Crystal, the enchanted realm of Adanita Wonderland was filled with a renewed sense of hope and unity. But one little Adanita felt a deep longing to contribute something more to the community, something special…

One day, while strolling the Forest Floor, Felix came across a sad looking patch of wilting flowers. With their light green skin and happy demeanor, Felix was known far and wide as the fortunate one, but the sight of the shriveled flower saddened them.

Felix decided to bend over and whisper some kind words of encouragement to the flowers. To Felix’s amazement, the flowers woke from their slumber, their petals extending with all their might to reach the rays of sun. The flowers were revitalized and Felix was in awe of the magical whisper’s power.

News soon spread of Felix’s healing words, with creatures from all over the Wonderland flocking to the Forest Floor to bask in the rejuvenating energy that came from their secret words. Badgers, rabbits, birds, bears and worms; no creature too small or too large was turned away from Felix’s whispers.

Yet despite the goodness they shared, Felix felt a heavy burden of responsibility weighing down on their soul. Felix pondered the extent of their magical power and was concerned they would not have the capacity to fulfill every creature’s wish.

Overwhelmed, Felix set out to seek advice from the truest of sources, the Wise Old Toad who lived at the edge of the forest.

“Greetings, Felix. I heard you were coming.”

“Greetings, Toad. May I please ask how I can help every single creature who seeks my help?”

“Simple, Felix. You must help them help themselves.

“You see, your magical touch is in inspiration, not in delivery. Lead by example and you shall inspire others to do better. Your tireless compassion and selfless caring is what will bring strength and unity to the Adanitas and all the other creatures that make up this wondrous Wonderland.”

Felix took the Wise Old Toad’s words to heart and returned to the Forest Floor with a renewed sense of purpose. They went out of their way to talk to each and every creature they saw, whispering words of encouragement. Felix watched as the creatures prospered in their own unique way and felt joy as they relayed Felix’s kindness to other creatures in the enchanted realm.

Within no time at all, the magic of Felix’s whispers spread to the lips of every single creature on the Forest Floor. And thus, the legend of Felix’s magical whispers marks an eternal entry into the lore of Adanita Wonderland.

Terrence and the Golden Aura

Terrence had long been known for his deep connection with the earth. His brown complexion a vivid cue to his ties with the soil below. The following story shows just how powerful his connection is, as he overcame a dark force trying to wreak havoc on the peaceful Adanita community…

It was another beautiful day in Adanita Wonderland. Terrence and his friends were enjoying the serene blend of sunshine and birdsong when a dazzled butterfly fluttered past erratically. Off its wings came word of an ominous cloud on the horizon, something far more potent than a raincloud or thunderstorm.

The rumors spoke of an evil spirit that rode on the backs of storms, crashing down with malevolent force on many a peaceful setting below. Shroud Fang, the name alone struck fear into the hearts of Adanitas throughout the Wonderland.

Terrence planted himself firmly in the ground and connected into a deep network of tree roots. He paused for clarity, then pulsed a message into the underground network. The pulse launched hundreds of birds up from their nests and into the sky. Within seconds, they dropped back down and confirmed Terrence’s fears. The storm clouds were coming from all sides, encircling the forest with a thick nasty veil of shadow and darkness.

Terrence gathered all his strength and sent another pulse, his strongest one yet. This firmly bound the roots of all the trees, interlocking their grip and strengthening their hold. Terrence pulsed again, causing each and every tree to vibrate in harmony. A golden aura rose out from the treetops, enveloping the forest and all its inhabitants.

The determined Adanita pulsed once more, lifting the aura higher and wider, while the surrounding trees hummed a soft resonant buzz. The protective barrier was in place, ready for whatever evil Shroud Fang had to offer. The circle of clouds closed in on the forest, each passing moment bringing their day closer to night.

Terrence looked around him and saw his fellow Adanitas trembling in fear. He urged them to join and add force to the network. Holding hands, the Adanitas planted themselves in the soil and began to pulse. The added force pushed the golden aura up higher, bursting the cloud and sending Shroud Fang scrambling back to his place of darkness.

In the blink of an eye the shadowy threat was gone, and the Adanitas relaxed and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. The aura descended and dissolved, the sun returned and the birds began chirping their happy song.

From that moment on, the Adanitas felt stronger and more protective than ever before, while Terrence’s story of quick thinking and deep connections earned him a place in the eternal records of Adanita Wonderland’s rich lore.

Saffron and the Mythical Phoenix

You’d be mistaken for thinking Adanitas are lazy when seeing them relaxed on the Forest Floor, but the truth is that they are indeed quite adventurous. Especially Saffron, the brave Adanita who once ventured off with a mysterious stranger only to return with an incredible gift for the community…

One bright sunny day, while laying dreamfully on her back, Saffron’s wondrous gaze was interrupted by a large bird that flew over her line of sight and landed nearby. Moments later, a majestic phoenix introduced itself and told Saffron of its daring quest for the Tree of Divine Embers.

Like any Adanita, Saffron was well aware of the mythical tree, known for its power to rekindle flames and ignite new passions. But no Adanita could truly lay claim to having ever seen such a tree.

“I do not know where it is, but I’ll help you find it,” Saffron said confidently.

The mystical bird accepted her proposal and after a brief bidding farewell to her caring friends, Saffron mounted the phoenix and was off on her adventure.

The two adventurers flew over the Wonderland, criss-crossing relentlessly over forest and streams, but to no avail. They landed at a clearance for the phoenix was tired and needed to rest. Despite being a seasoned adventurer, Saffron had no idea where they were, and could not recognise anything from her surroundings. The adventurers decided to rest and start again in the morning.

That night, a crackling sound woke the voyagers. To their surprise, a small tree stood nearby in what had been an empty clearing just hours earlier. On the tip of the tree was a single bright flame, the crackling sound was coming from the burning bark below.

Saffron walked over hesitantly and the phoenix followed. Suddenly, the phoenix jumped into the fire and shot up in the sky like a firework. The fire in the tree soon extinguished and Saffron lay down to sleep by herself.

The next morning, Saffron awoke to an empty clearing once more. But beside her lay a small wooden chest. She opened it and saw a single large seed. Guided by her instinct, Saffron set foot for the Forest Floor.

Days later, after greeting her friends and recounting her adventure, Saffron made her way to a quiet area and planted the seed. Overnight, a large tree had grown from the ground, one that hummed a special enchanted sound. The community gathered around the tree and named it the Tree of Dreams.

From that day on, Adanitas from all over the Wonderland would continue to gather beneath the Tree of Dreams and receive the gift of foresight for future adventures. And Saffron would be thanked for many years to come, her inspirational story of adventure and courage cemented in the lore of the Adanita Wonderland.

Rosa and the Plutus Lagoon

Adanitas are resourceful creatures known far and wide for their selfless acts of kindness. No chronicle captures this better than that of Rosa’s journey to the Plutus Lagoon…

Inspired by the recent adventures of her fellow Adanitas, Rosa paced the Forest Floor, dreaming of a journey to satisfy her soul. A magical force must have been paying attention, for a bird soon landed nearby and chirped for her attention. Attached to its leg was a roll of paper.

Rosa unbound the paper, unfurling what appeared to be an ancient map. She could not believe her eyes. The map laid out the path to the Plutus Lagoon, the mythical body of water said to grant any traveler’s first wish.

Rosa said her goodbyes and embarked immediately on her quest.

After many days of adventure, the map led her to a steep valley, sliced through its middle by a mighty river. There was no bridge in sight and Rosa could not swim. She decided to rest.

The temperature dropped overnight, causing a thick fog to develop in the valley. As Rosa awoke, she spotted her opportunity and climbed atop the fog, dancing gracefully across the river until arriving safely on the other side.

“Beautiful,” said a mole who had been watching. He couldn’t see her properly, but he had somehow witnessed the illuminated silhouette of her dancing twirls.

“In all my years, I have never seen anything so graceful. Where are you going?”

“I’m on a quest to find the Plutus Lagoon. Would you like to join?”

“Oh yes,” said the mole and they ventured forth.

That same day, they arrived at the lagoon. They dipped their toes in the water and made their wishes. Rosa wished for her new friend to be able to see the world in full vision and color. The mole wished for Rosa’s kindness to be returned a thousandfold, shaping her world into a bubble of compassion and love.

Content with their wishes, both travelers turned to make their way home, only to be stop

ped dead in their tracks by a shadowy gatekeeper.

“One of you must return your wish, for both of you to leave here alive,” hissed the gatekeeper. The lagoon bubbled as the words left his mouth.

Rosa’s eyes lit up and whispered to the mole: “Let us combine our wishes. If we share them, whatever happens, they will remain forever intact.”

The mole’s heart pumped with admiration for his friend’s quick thinking. The two adventurers dipped their feet once more into the lagoon’s warm water, held hands and spoke their wishes aloud. The water cooled off and glistened a glorious collage of colors while the gatekeeper dissolved into thin air, overpowered by the strength of their unity.

The adventurers left safely, wishes intact, each one departing back to their home. Days later, Rosa arrived at the Forest Floor and recounted her selfless story, a story of strength and unity that to this day continues to bring courage to all the creatures of the Adanita Wonderland.

Felix and the Musical Carpet

The mysteries of Adanita Wonderland never cease to fascinate those who learn of its magic. One such phenomenon is that of the joyous music that fills the air of the Forest Floor. As so many tales of Adanita lore begin, so too does this one commence with a whisper in the breeze…

One day in the Forest Floor, Felix had been going about their business when a mysterious sound caught their attention. Many an Adanita had been lucky to catch a whisper in the air, but never Felix. Shocked yet excited, they dropped their basket of freshly picked daisies and followed the sound.

Before long, Felix was outside the Forest Floor, in a vast open meadow no creature had been for a long, long time. The sound was getting louder, they could feel it tingling their body. It felt good. The strange thing was that the whisper was not made of words. It was something magical, something beautiful, something words had no place in describing.

Eventually Felix came across what appeared to be the source of the sound: a tall, multicolored sunflower. Inexplicably, they began to dance to its melody. Of course, you and I both know this to be music, but at the time, such a concept did not yet exist in Adanita Wonderland. The creatures of the Wonderland had been more than happy with the sound of the birds chirping, the wind rustling through leaves and the crashing of water through rocks and riverbanks.

This sound was different, an outer-body experience. Felix stayed for hours as the sunflower altered melodies, switching from high to low and fast to slow. At times, they would dance energetically, other times they would sit and appreciate the calm soothing feeling the notes spread through their body.

The sun began to set and the tall sunflower tilted its head, eager to rest after such a busy day. As the last rays of sunshine dipped behind the treetops, a single petal dropped off the head of the tall sunflower, floating down graciously into the hands of the ever-present Felix. Felix accepted the petal as a gift, a souvenir of their lovely day with the musical sunflower.

The next day, Felix planted the petal in a quiet corner of the Forest Floor and went on with their chores. Within days, a carpet of flowers had sprouted and spread throughout the entire Forest Floor. Sunflowers, daisies, marigolds, roses; each one gifting music in beautiful harmony. The Forest Floor came alive in joyous melody while the Adanitas embraced the sound. Music had arrived and the Adanitas loved it.

And to this day, the music continues to play, without a single melody ever being repeated.

Please Don’t Stop the Music

It had only been a few days since the appearance of the musical carpet in the Forest Floor, yet word had spread rapidly across the Wonderland. Not only were the Adanitas having a blast, creatures of all walks of life were dancing along and experiencing endless amounts of fun…

An event was planned to celebrate the carpet and everyone was invited. Rosa reached out to her friend the mole. Saffron managed to track down the mythical phoenix. The Wise Old Toad himself was expected to make an appearance, his first ever in the Forest Floor, a truly magnificent occasion if ever there was one.

The big day arrived and the carpet sensed the importance of the occasion. Not one to repeat themselves, the beautiful tapestry of flowers pumped out tune after tune, each one warm and special in its own wonderful way.

But when all appeared too good to be true, a thunderous turn of events occurred. Oblivious to the formation of thick dark clouds above, the Adanitas and their friends had been dancing merrily, when all of a sudden the music stopped. The flowers were frozen in fear.

“Who dares organize a party without inviting ME!?” boomed a sinister voice from above. “Explain yourselves, little shrooms.”

“Be gone, Shroud Fang,” replied the fearless Terrence, “you know you don’t belong here.”

“So be it then, little one.”

Shroud Fang continued to threaten a most monstrous action and looked certain to rain down mayhem on the Forest Floor party.

Just then, a new voice croaked out, one that had never been heard within the boundaries of the Forest Floor. The Wise Old Toad had arrived and marked his entry with a masterful riddle:

"In the realm of dark shadows and all thing creepy,

A secret force lies, with a secret worth keeping,

For that secret could break, when spoken just right,

As light begets light, chasing fright back from sleeping.”

Shroud Fang froze, utterly perplexed. A split second was all the Wise Old Toad needed to raise his staff. What happened next was a wonder to see.

At its head, the Wise Old Toad’s staff was split into two dazzling gemstones. He encouraged the flowers to return to their melodies. Next, he channeled the sound waves together through the first gemstone and up towards the dark clouds. The compressed music shattered the thick dark bond above the Forest Floor, letting the sunlight spill back into the party below.

The Wise Old Toad scanned the sky and caught a glimpse of Shroud Fang as he clambered down from a weakening cloud. He tilted his staff, placing the second gemstone at such an angle that it reflected the sun directly onto Shroud Fang’s torso. Just as the sound had been channeled into an impressive force, so too was this concentration of light as it penetrated Shroud Fang. Too much so, for the evil force began to evaporate, his malevolence seeping out from within. Shroud Fang was gone, for now at least.

The crowd cheered as the party recommenced, while the thankful Adanitas embraced their wise old friend. The festivities continued for four full seasons, going down in Adanita lore as one of their most epic gatherings ever.

Marlowe’s Misty Waterfall

The musical festivities at The Forest Floor had been going on for quite a while by now. With every passing day, whispers of the joy and laughter continued to spread throughout the Wonderland. Occasionally, a passing visitor would stop by to enjoy the fun, until one day a very interesting visitor arrived…

As the Adanitas danced, a mysterious mist slithered in between the trees, spreading itself around the dancing partygoers. This was no ordinary mist, but a rainbow mist, decorated in a vibrant blend of colors and patterns. It danced through the crowd, tickling the Adanitas ever so softly.

Pixie had once heard of such a magical mist. It even had a name: Marlowe’s Mist, named after an ancient and powerful ruler of the land. Pixie decided it was time for another adventure and invited Saffron along to explore the origin of the strange mist.

While the mist danced joyfully, Pixie and Saffron followed its shape, bringing them out of the Forest Floor. The exploration lasted several days, bringing the travelers high and low along the Wonderland’s rich landscape.

The further they marched, the weaker the magical mist became. The colors lost their vividness while its distinct shape began to blend into the air around it. Eventually, they traced the weakening mist back to a small wooden chest, where it fizzled out silently. The chest was unlocked and as they inspected it, they were shocked to discover a treasure map inside.

Rejuvenated by this find, Pixie and Saffron embarked on the next leg of their journey. Following the cryptic instructions on the creased map, they marched onwards and upwards over a steep hill, beyond which the treasure promised to be. But instead of a chest of gems or a bag full of coins, the Adanitas were met by something else: a waterfall, crashing down forcefully into a pool of crystal clear water.

“Is this the treasure?” asked Saffron.

Suddenly, the cascading water began to put on a lightshow, pulsing out innumerous shades of rich vibrant colors. Jets of mists, similar to the one that had greeted them before, began to form from behind the waterfall, spreading out in all directions. 

The Adanitas sat down and appreciated the show. To them, the quality time spent together in the vicinity of such a wonderful sight was treasure enough. 

All of a sudden, the pool’s water level dipped, revealing a pathway of stones from the bank to the waterfall. Next, the waterfall parted through its middle, pulling aside like liquid curtains.

Pixie and Saffron looked at each other nervously. Right before their eyes was the entrance to a hidden cave.

“Come on, Pixie,” said Saffron, “this is what we’ve been looking for.”

The friends held hands, made their way across the pool and entered the mouth of the cave. They couldn’t believe their eyes. There, resting on a table of solid gold, was the famous Marlowe Crown. One of the most enchanted artifacts ever to be spoken of.

“The mist would not have invited us here had it not wished us to find this crown, Saffron.”

“I guess you’re right, Pixie. Let’s take it with us.”

And so they did.

The pair made it back to the Forest Floor, where the Marlowe Crown is now kept safe in a secret place, further securing the location as the most magical place in all of the Adanita Wonderland.

Terrence and the Ring of Shadows

After four full seasons of marvelous music, the Adanita party was drawing to a close. A grand finale was arranged to see off their many guests, with many exciting activities planned for the night. What they witnessed during the closing ceremony though, no one could have imagined…

The legendary Starfly Constellation had arrived at the Forest Floor and was beginning to form some dazzling shapes. If the rumors were true, this promised to be one of the greatest nocturnal events ever to be seen in the Adanita Wonderland.

The night was clear, the air was calm. The glittery bugs covered the sky while the flowers tooted out endless harmonies and melodies to complement their gracious movements. The Adanitas felt warm and wonderful; except for Terrence.

Despite the beauty of the event, something just didn’t sit right with him. Something was tickling his intuition. He reached down into the roots of the Forest Floor and sensed for clues. The response shocked him; there was a force outside the Forest Floor. Something evil was afoot.

Terrence’s feelings spread to the nearby Rosa. Suddenly, she too felt the unease. She hadn’t felt this way for many moons, not since her trip to the Plutus Lagoon. The two Adanitas stood on the sidelines while the Starflies continued their wonderful show.

“Can you feel that, Terrence?”

“There’s something going on all right, Rosa.”

“Yes. It reminds me of the Plutus Lagoon.”

And she was right to feel that way. Still reeling from his humiliating defeat, the Gatekeeper was back. Only this time he wasn’t alone. The Gatekeeper had summoned a thousand shadows and had begun encircling the Forest Floor. No guest would leave the show without handing over something of value to his gang of greedy ghouls.

Terrence did not want to cause alarm so he pulsed a quiet signal out to the deep network of roots below. What followed was a magical chain reaction that nobody in their wildest dreams would have expected.

The roots absorbed his energy and fastened their bonds, filling the trees with a powerful force. The energy extended to the tip of every branch, fortifying the birds who sat enjoying the music. With this transfer of energy, each and every bird in the Forest Floor gave birth to the loudest sing song one could possibly imagine. Their powerful sound waves penetrated the Starflies, so much so that their constellation expanded. The swirling cosmos of luminescent wings swelled and swelled and swelled until it could it not contain the energy any more. Just then, a loud pop occurred.

Like a giant explosion of confetti in the sky, the swollen mass of Starflies burst into a glistening eruption of color. As the luminescent confetti flew outwards, it penetrated the encircling group of shadows, filling their voids with unexplainable light. Like a special blend of inverted waterfalls and furious fireworks, the shadows flared up into the night sky in a tremendous beacon of light, spilling out and releasing the unharmed Starflies.

From serious threat, to an eruption of joy, the confetti-laden sky embodied the spirit of the Adanita Wonderland as their year-long musical party came to its end. And after his second dismal attempt, the Gatekeeper grasped that the magic and wisdom of an Adanita was a most powerful force to be reckoned with.

Hide and Seek

The Sun was setting over the Forest Floor while the energetic Adanitas pondered what to do with their evening under the stars. Never one to disappoint, Pixie came up with a mischievous plan…

“Who wants to play hide and seek?” the cheeky toadstool said.

“What a great idea,” said Saffron. “I’ll count first.”

“OK, let’s go!”

The hiders soon dispersed, leaving Saffron to head to the bushes and begin counting back from 100.

Terrence was first to hide. Using his gift of earthly powers, he connected with the soil, conjuring up a suit of bark for himself. Just another tree in the forest...

Next was Felix. Some Starflies gathered round and spun in a circle so fast that it shot Felix high up into the air.

Rosa wished for a grand illusion. Suddenly, a giant ring of mirrors arose from the evening mist. Instead of hiding, Rosa was everywhere.

Meanwhile Pixie dug a deep hole and dived in headfirst.

By now, Saffron had arrived at 0 and stepped out into the Forest Floor’s clearing. Naturally, she spotted Rosa with ease. But then she saw another Rosa, and another, and another. Poor Saffron felt dizzy looking at all the identical Rosas and rested against a tree.

“Ouch!” said the tree.

“Is that you, Terrence?”

“OK, you got me. Who’s left?”

“Well Rosa’s over there. And there, and there, and there too...”

Terrence whispered in her ear.

“Great idea, Terrence! Let’s break one of the mirrors and she’ll get 7 years of bad luck.”

“That’s not true! It’s you who’ll get bad luck for breaking a mirror.”

The sound of her voice gave Rosa away. Saffron pinpointed her instantly.

“OK, you got me. Who’s left?”

“Pixie and Felix. There’s no sign of them anywhere. We’ve looked high and low.”

“Really? Maybe you haven’t looked high enough,” said Terrence as he arched his head back, looking up to the stars.

The others joined him in staring upwards and were elated to see the Starflies carrying Felix through the air.

“OK, you got me,” came a cry from up in the sky. “Who’s left?”

“Pixie,” came a chorus from down below.

The Starflies eased Felix down gently and the group of friends set out in search for Pixie. After hours of searching though, Pixie was nowhere to be seen. The group began to get worried. This wasn’t a game anymore.

Terrence sent a pulse underground, relaying a message down through the roots, up through the trees, into the branches and out to the birds; telling them to go look for their redcapped friend.

What Terrence didn’t expect to see was poor Pixie being ejected up from the ground by the force of his pulse. Luckily the flying Adanita landed on a patch of soft moss.

“OK, you got me! And that kinda hurt Terrence.”

“Sorry, Pixie. We were just so worried.”

“I feel asleep down there…”

Pixie’s confession caused the Adanitas to bend over with laughter. With the search having taken so long, the rest of the night had passed over in no time. The birds were now chirping and the Sun rose again, promising another day of fun and adventure in the Adanita Wonderland.

A Message at Sunrise and an Awkward Alliance

The Sun was rising and promised to bring light to another beautiful day in the Adanita Wonderland. That was until a written message from the Wise Old Toad arrived by means of a wily woodpecker…

“Something very powerful is coming to the Wonderland. I’m on my way to meet you at sunrise. Prepare your best and expect the worst!”

No sooner had the Adanitas read the message than they heard a distant rumbling.

Felix, by now an expert Starfly dancer, rose upward to scan the horizon. The sight was sickening. Several large machines were eating their way into the forest, crunching up trees, digging huge holes, and spitting out clouds of thick black smoke.

The Adanitas got together. Nothing, not even Shroud Fang or the shadowy Gatekeeper had ever posed such a menacing threat to their existence. They trembled as their rattled minds thought what to do. Just then, the Wise Old Toad flew in on the back of the Mythical Phoenix.

“What is it, Toad?”

“Those are Men, Felix. I never thought I’d live to see the day when Men would discover the Wonderland. But alas, here they are.”

“What will we do, Toad? Those creatures are huge.”

“Those creatures are just machines. Alone they pose no threat. It is the drivers, the Men, we must be wary of.”

“But what can we do, Toad?”

“The power of a team is much more than the sum of its parts, dear Adanitas. The strength of your powers combined, is no match for Men or their machines. But you must coordinate to meet their challenge. You better act quickly, for the machines are hungry and the Men are even greedier.”

Without a second to spare, the Adanitas got to work. Terrence mustered up all his strength and transmitted the most powerful pulse of energy ever to emanate from his little body. Moments later, the rumbling sound came to a halt as the ground rose up sharply around the diggers and bulldozers.

Meanwhile, Saffron spoke instructions to the Mythical Phoenix. The majestic bird flew up gracefully and circled above the machines, dripping splashes of liquid fire with each flap of its magical wings.

Felix ran to the carpet of musical flowers and awoke a hive of slumbering bees. He whispered encouraging words of glory and resistance and watched as the insects swarmed off to defend their territory.

Rosa and Pixie combined their efforts and gathered together countless shards of crystals and gems. Together they would create a most powerful reflector, and shine away the Men with the dazzling power of their hidden treasures.

Consumed by their work, nobody had noticed the evil Shroud Fang lurking on the sidelines. But Shroud Fang did not take this opportunity to reign terror on the Forest Floor. Quite the opposite; Shroud Fang was encouraged by their bravery and with all the confusion and fear afoot, he could not resist getting involved too.

Shroud Fang summoned up a frighteningly dark cloud, the likes of which the night sky itself would cower in fear from. He smothered the air above the machines and pelted down a fierce electrical storm. By the time the storm was over, the Men were gone and the machines stood motionless. Shroud Fang sent down a final shocking spark that destroyed any remnants of power in the machines.

Relieved and relaxed, the members of the Forest Floor lived to see another day, but a strange feeling played on their mind: they had Shroud Fang to thank for their safety…

But Shroud Fang knew yet again that the cunning and coordination of the Adanitas was a match too strong for him alone.

Both parties held respect for each other’s prowess but also bore witness to a new realization. With the advent of the Men, the Adanitas and Shroud Fang would need each other’s help more than ever before!

Felix and the Honey Deer

The Men and their machines had gone, for now at least. Balance had returned to the Wonderland. With the Adanitas enjoying their serenity and Shroud Fang minding his business, life seemed simple once again, until it wasn’t…

After many weeks of blissful blue skies, a cloudy day beckoned and rain soon began to pour down above the Forest Floor. As the clouds thinned out, a rainbow appeared above the clearing, a truly enjoyable moment in the Adanita Wonderland.

Soon a group of Adanitas gathered to enjoy the rich colors. Of all the Adanitas, no one enjoyed a vibrant rainbow more than Felix. But something seemed very odd with this particular rainbow; the yellow was missing.

Without a word to anyone, Felix darted off to seek guidance from the Wise Old Toad.

“Each color of the rainbow is powered by a different creature in the Wonderland, Felix. The yellow is a strong color, central to the structure of the rainbow. It is maintained by the Honey Deer. I can only imagine that the poor thing was frightened off during the recent encounter with the Men.”

“How can we get the Honey Deer back? We need to return normality to the Wonderland, Toad.”

“The Honey Deer is a powerful creature, Felix. But highly sensitive too. You’ll need to calm it down and bring it back to its senses.”

“But how?”

“The answer is inside you, Felix. You’ll feel it when the time is right.”

Felix thanked the Toad and set off on a journey to find the elusive Honey Deer. Shortly into the adventure, a thunderclap sounded and another bout of rain came bucketing down. Felix took cover and thought back to all the other times the Wise Old Toad had gifted the Adanitas with words of wisdom. Had his words ever let them down?

The clouds lightened up and another rainbow appeared, yet again with a clear gap where the yellow should have been. It looked so empty and lifeless with its central arc missing.

Just then a whisper flew by. And another. And another. First a badger’s voice, then a sparrow. Even a lizard could be heard.

“Look at him.”

“What a pity.”

“It’s so sad.”

Felix got up and followed the quiet whispers. Bit by bit they intensified until finally they brought Felix to a patch of grass where the Honey Deer lay drenched and weak. The poor animal shivered.

Felix stepped over cautiously and whispered several magical words of encouragement into the Honey Deer’s ear. The buck’s eyes illuminated and it stood up proudly, shook the rain off from its coat and beamed a radiance of strength and unity.

The rainbow soon recovered, unifying the arcs with a bright yellow and the Honey Deer gave Felix a ride home to the Forest Floor.

The clouds stayed away for several weeks, but the rainbow stayed firmly in place, day and night, testament to the magical power of Adanita whispers. And do you know what Felix whispered in the Honey Deer’s ear that day? You’ll have to enter the Forest Floor to find out.